
Shiva is the Lord of the entire Universe – Living and Non living. Although he is known by thousands of names one among is eight important name is – Pashupati which means Lord of all beings. The presented prayer is a eight stanza  prayer to Pashupati form of shiva.  …


From the time immemorial, innumerable astakas (prayer with eight stanza) have been written praising the glory of Shiva, the ultimate creator and sustainers and recycler of the universe. These astakas have been popularly known as Lingastak, Rudrastak, Bilvastak and Shivastaka. There are many which are named as Shivastaka. The one…


  ब्रह्ममुरारिसुरार्चित लिगं निर्मलभाषितशोभित लिंग | जन्मजदुःखविनाशक लिंग तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिंगं॥१       I Bow before that Sadashiva Linga which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods; which is praised by holy and pure speeches. and which destroys (Frees us from) the cycle of Birth and Death.   (more…)